Areas of business Examples
Financial - Results are down vs target
- Recovery from fallen sales
- Targets seem unachievable
- How to hit targets faster
- How to raise funds
Market/Competitor - Responding to marketing changes
- Counteracting competitor activity
(Internal and External)
- Pitching/new business training
- Internal communication/leadership
- New product launch presentations
- Improve sales pitches
- Creating an impact at events
- Client care and relationship building
Teamwork - Better working practises
- Integrating two teams/cultures together
- Adapting to staff/team changes and their affects
- Raise team performance
- Improve team morale
Staff & Individuals - Motivation
- Re-invigoration/re-energising
- Bringing back the fun
- Reducing staff turnover
- Keeping key personnel
- Better working practises
- Raising your profile
- Presentation skills